Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- A First Page and a Introduction letter are delivered according to Editorial policies.
- Manuscript complies with format requisites according to Editorial Policies
- Neither the article nor any part of its essential substance, tables, or figures has been or will be published or submitted for publication elsewhere
- Informed consent was obtained according to Editorial policies
- URL links is provided whenever possible
- Text is delivered in the specified template.
Original research
Quantitative, qualitative research and systematic reviews are accepted. This section will publish papers that present clinical or epidemiological studies or community experiences, whether using quantitative or qualitative methodology. Papers that aim to answer a specific question through a critical review of the scientific literature or other sources of evidence will also be published.
There will be no maximum number of authors, but remember that all authos must have contributed significantly to the conduct of the article / research. If it is elaborated by a research group, the name of the group must be stated after the name of the main authors (in this case it is recommended to limit the number to six). All members of the group will be listed as an annex at the end of the work. Authors should only appear on the First Page, never in the article text.
Research involving people or animals must state comply with Good Clinical Practice Standards, Declaration of Helsinki, Oviedo Convention, as well as data protection regulations, medical history regulation and other regulation according to the type of study. They must have been evaluated by a research ethics committee.
Informed consent must be obtained. If, due to the nature of the study, it was not feasible to obtain consent, it must be justified. In the case of studies with personal data related to health , remember that its use for research purposes without the consent of the source subjects will have to comply with the provisions of Additional Provision 17ª of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and guaranteeing digital rights, acording to the spanish regulation. In addition, the procedure for using pseudonymised research data established by the institution responsible for the affected information will be followed.
• Abstract: will be included in the article text
• Keywords: will be included in the article text
• Article text: anonymous
• Key points: will be included at the end of the article text
• Tables and figures: maximum 6, will be sent in a separate file and will also be included in the corresponding place in the article text
• Bibliography: a maximum of 30 reference will be included in the manuscript
• Annex: optional, will be included in the article text after the bibliography, numbered in Roman numerals
• Study outline: optional. in a separate file and will also be included in the corresponding place of the article text.
• Must include the title of the work
• Presented in spanish and english, also in Galician if this is the original language of the article.
• Maximum 250 words.
• Objective: Clear identification of the main purpose of the study.
• Design: description of the study design (randomized clinical trial, case-control study ...) and its basic characteristics if relevant (double-blind, multicenter ...). If the design does not correspond to a clear design, its main characteristics must be indicated (transversal or longitudinal, prospective or retrospective, observational or intervention, controlled or uncontrolled ...).
• Location: Location or healthcare level (primary, hospital, community care ...).
• Methods / measurements:
◦ Participants: patient characteristics, selection criteria, number of subjects included, and number of non-responders and dropouts.
◦ Interventions (in intervention studies): main characteristics, including the pattern of administration and duration, of the interventions carried out both in the study group / s and in the comparison s / s.
◦ Main measurements: main variables of the study, especially the response variable used and its evaluation method.
• Results: main results, identifying the type of measurement with confidence intervals. Where appropriate, statistical significance.
• Conclusions: main conclusions derived from the results of the study, including its practical application.
In spanish and english, also in Galician if this is the original language of the article.
Minimum 3; maximum 6: derived from the Medical Subject Hedings (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine. Available at
Article text:
Must be anonymous.
Must nclude in this order: title, abstracts, keywords, text with figures and tables and study outline (if available), abbreviations list (optional), conflict of interest, author contribution, acknowledgments (optional), bibliography, annexes (optional) and key points.
An extension of between 2,500 and 3,000 words is recommended, excluding title, abstracts, keywords, tables, abbreviations list, conflict of interest, author contribution,acknowledgments, bibliography, and key points.
Structure: must be adapted to the structure Introduction / Methods / Results and Discussion, following the following recommendations:
• Introduction: It must present the current situation of the knowledge on the subject and the study context . Purpose of the study should be clearly defined. Introduction should be as short as possible and should include a small number of key bibliographic references.
• Material and methods: Design of the study, location where the research was carried out (care framework), inclusion and exclusion criteria and participants selection criteria, interventions carried out (if applicable),variables measurement techniques and definitions, subjects monitoring and analysis strategy and statistical tests. It must detailed enough for the study to be reproducible. It is recommended to use headings to organize the information (study population, interventions, monitoring, statistical analysis….).
• Results: Must present, not interpret, the main findings related to the purpose of the study. Headings can be used to make the presentation clearer. It is convenient to use tables and figures without repeating data in the text. Main results should include the corresponding confidence intervals, and clearly indicate type of measurement and statistical tests, where appropriate. It is recommended to highlight the table or figure that contains the main results of the study, with a description in the legend.
• Discussion: It is convenient to structure it in the following sections (when of interest): limitations of the design used; comparison with prior scientific literature, trying to explain the discrepancies; practical applicability of the results, making an assessment of their clinical relevance; and guidelines for future research on the subject.
• Abbreviations list: optional
• Conflict of interest: the existence or non-existence of a conflict of interest will be declared. The following phrase will be used to refer to funding: "This work has been funded by: full name of the institution, location [scholarship number], date ." In the event that the work has not received funding, the following phrase will be used: "This research has not received specific grants from public sector agencies, commercial sector or non-profit organizations."
• Authors Contribution: all authors must meet the authorship criteria: 1) substantial contribution to conception and design, or data acquisition , or analysis and interpretation ; 2) article writing or critical review of its intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published
• Acknowledgments: To people or institutions who, without fulfilling the authorship requirements, had collaborated in the work, provided material, technical or financial assistance. Type of contribution must be indicated.
Key points:
All original papers should include a table with key points to make it easier for readers who do not wish to read the full article to understand the work. It must include a maximum of 3 short, precise sentences indicating what was known about the topic before conducting this study and the need to carry it out (under a heading What we Knew, and a maximum of 3 sentences indicating what contributes this study to the previous knowledge of the subject (under the heading What this study shows).
• Study outline (optional): In complex work, it is advisable to also include a figure with the study outline indicating the number of subjects in each of its stages and the reasons for non-responses, and dropouts. Figure should summarize main features of the study design. If the study corresponds to a randomized clinical trial, this figure should follow the outline of the CONSORT statement.
AGAMFEC Editorial
Written or commissioned by AGAMFEC´ Directors´´` Board
Maximum number of authors is 3
- Article text: maximum extension of 600 words is recommended (without accounting bibliography or tables)
-Tables / figures: max 2
- Bibliography up to 10 references.
Scientific Editorial
Commissioned by Cadernos de Atencion primaria Editorial Board
Maximum number of authors is 3
- Article text: maximum extension of 600 words is recommended (without accounting bibliography or tables). Conflict of interest must be stated
-Tables / figures: max 2
- Bibliography: up to 15 references.
Know How
In this section we publish works commissioned by Journal Editorial Board, preferably to AGAMFEC Task Forces.
Also can be published another reviews or documents with special relevance in the field of Family and Community Medicine.
-Article text: We suggest a maximum extension of 3000 word ( not taking into account bibliogrphy nor tables) Conflict of interest must be stated.
-Tables/ Figures. max 6
-Bibliography: Up to 45 references
Case studies
To present case reports with special relevance for Primary Care. Not about exceptional observations, but real clinical situations in daily practice that can compose a teachable moment.
Maximum number of authors is 3.
-Article text: a maximum extension of 600 words is recommended ( non taking into account bibliography nor tables)
-Tables/figures: maximum of 2
-Bibliography: up to 10 references.
It should be estructured in the following sections:
Introduction: relevant clinical data, physical examination and tests.
Diagnosis: Discussing differential diagnosis.
Conclusion: Key aspects about the case and current knowledge aboput the topic.
Publication of any personal information about any patient requires the signed consent of the patient. A statement that any identifiable patients have provided their signed consent to publication must be provided by the authors
Letters to the editor
In this section we publish letters commenting recent articles . Letter will be sent to article authors and they will be offered to reply. Letter and its reply will be published simultaneously.
We also accept letters adressed to the editor presenting expereiences and opinions with special significance for primary care, such as short study reports or case series. This type of letters must follow the structure: objectives, design, measurements, methods and conclusions.
Maximum number of authors is 4.
-Article text: a maximum extension of 600 words is recommended ( not taking into account biliography nor tables). Conflict of interest must be discussed.
-Tables/figures: max 1
-Bibliography: up to 6 references. Letters replying a published article must include it as a reference.
In this section we publish literary pieces, history articles, personal thpughts, jokes, photographies, interviews... Anything that shows feelings, emotions, not just scientific knowledge.
Maxim number of authors is 3
-Author introduction: Brief introduction up to 50 words with a short biography.
-Article text: We reccomend a maximum of 1300 words ( not taking into account author introduction, bibliograpy or tables)
-Tables/figures: max 2
-Bibliography: 10 references
Trabajos fin de residencia Atención Familiar y Comunitaria
Normas envío resúmenes trabajos fin de residencia AFyC:
Se enviará, en archivo adjunto en formato Word o PDF “Carta de Presentación donde conste:
Título del trabajo
Fecha de presentación del trabajo
Unidad Docente
Se enviará un resumen de un máximo de 350 palabras, en español o gallego, opcionalmente en inglés
La estructura debe ser la siguiente:
- Objetivo: identificación clara del propósito principal del estudio.
- Diseño: descripción del diseño del estudio (ensayo clínico aleatorio, estudio de casos y controles...) y sus características básicas si son relevantes (doble cieto, multicéntrico...). Si el diseño no corresponde a un diseño claro, deben indicarse sus características principales (transversal o longitudinal, prospectivo o retrospectivo, observacional o de intervención, controlado o no controlado...).
- Emplazamiento: marco o nivel de atención sanitaria (atención primaria, hospitalaria, comunitaria...).
- Método/mediciones:
- Participantes: características de los pacientes, criterios de selección, número de sujetos incluidos y número de no respuestas y abandonos que se produjeron.
- Intervenciones (en estudios de intervención): características principales, incluyendo la pauta de administración y duración, de las intervenciones realizadas tanto en lo/s grupos de estudio como en lo/s de comparación.
- Mediciones principales: principales variables del estudio, especialmente la variable de respuesta utilizada y su método de evaluación.
- Resultados: principales resultados, identificando el tipo de medida utilizado y su correspondiente intervalo de confianza. Cuando sea conveniente, se deberá incluir el nivel de significación estadística.
- Conclusiones: principales conclusiones que se derivan de los resultados del estudio, incluyendo su aplicación práctica.
Palabras clave:
- Se deben presentar en español o gallego, opcionalmente en inglés
- Mínimo 3; máximo 6: derivadas del Medical Subject Hedings (MeSH) de la National Library of Medicine. Disponible en
Copyright Notice
Cadernos de Atención Primaria is published Open Access under a license Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Copyright holder is Cadernos de Atención Primaria journal
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Your requests must be sent to our Privacy Officer at the following address:
Asociación Galega de Medicina de Familiar e Comunitaria
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