About the Journal
Cadernos de Atención Primaria is a scientific journal for Primary Care professionals in Galicia. It is published by the Galician Association of Family and Community Medicine (AGAMFEC) to divulgate scientific production in the field of Primary Care.
Its publication began in 1994, it is peer-reviewed since 2018. In 2023, we were included in IBECS (http://ibecs.iciii.es) which means the recognition of many professionals for many years. THANK YOU
From 2022 onwards, the jjournal will have a continuous annual publication, maintaining the same number of articles. Suscribers wil be notified with updates.
It´s an only online journal under Open Access publication, all its conten is free of charge and users are authorized to read, download, print searcha or link every scientific article without prior authorization from editors nor authors, acording to BOAI´'s open acess definition. Works can be used under CC-BY-Nd 4.0 International license.
Journal does not apply charges for submission or publication.
Editorial board reviews every article submitted for publication to check if complies with our publishing standards. Fail to do so implies automatic rejection of the article with comunication to the author.
If publishing standards are met, works are submitted for consideration to two external reviewers in copliance with Committee on Publication Ethics Best Practice Guidelines. (COPE). At any time, reviewers do not know authors' or other reviewr identities..
Each reviewer submits an written report with comments and suggestions for authros and editorial board. In this proccess we acknowledge the ownership of the author eho can accept or deny reviwers suggestions.
Editorial board, considering reviewers report and author's response undertakes the final decision about publication or rejection.
Letters to editor, and works in Para Saber Máis ( Know How) and Humanidades ( Humanities) are not peer reviewed. In this cases, editorial board male the decision takng into account criteria sucha as originality, newsworthiness, pertinence, interest for Primary Care....
Cadernos de Atención Primaria is destinated to primary care profesionals. Authors asume full responsability for their articles wich state only their opinions.
Research articles invovlving humans or animals must declare they comply with Best Practices Guidelines , Helsinki Declaration, Convenio de Oviedo and personal data protection and other regulation. They must be avaliated by an ethical investigation commitee.
Informed consent must be obtained. If it were impossible due to study characteristics, it must be properly justified. We remind authors that the use of health data without consent is only posssible under the terms of the "Disposición adicional 17ª de la Ley orgánica 3/2018 del 5 de diciembre de protección de datos personales y garantía de derechos digitales" ( Spain regulation). Also pseudonymized data `can be acceptable under the terms and procedures established by the responsable institution.