Multiple demands on Primary Care


  • Inés Gonzalez Diez
  • Yaiza de Paz Amoedo


cita médica, demanda, multidemanda


Title: Multiple demands on Primary Care

Objectives: To acknowledge the percentage of consultation with multiple demands and the patients needs

Design: Cross-sectional observational

Site: Primary Care

Measurements/Methods:  The variables to collect are: cualitative (gender, consultations according to CIAP-2 classification, act’s nature, type of attention) and cuantitative (age, number of waiting days for a consultation on demand, number of demands, total time of consultation in minutes registered in electronic clinical history)  

Results: Total proportion of multiple demand was 32,65% (CI95% 30,14-35,17) associated to urban clinics, more-year-experienced profesionals, consultations on demand and face-to-face appointments. When multiple demands were registered, mean increase in appointment duration was 3,45 minutes (CI95% 2,98- 3,91). Most frequent CIAP-2 classification groups were A (general and inespecific) with 32,45% (CI95% 30,37-34,53) and L (locomotor system) with 13,72% (CI95% 12,19-15,23)

Conclusions: Multiple demands proportion was elevated with a minimum of 30,15%, more frequent in appointments on demand and face-to-face. This implies a minimum increase in appointment duration of 2,98 minutes for each consultation above the first. It was shown that more waiting days for an appointment increase multiple demands



How to Cite

Gonzalez Diez I, de Paz Amoedo Y. Multiple demands on Primary Care. Cad.Aten.Primaria [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 23];30(1). Available from:



Original research