Efectividad de la vacunación contra el VPH en las mujeres de Bembrive, Vigo.


  • Carmen Gesto Moreno Centro de Salud de Bembrive, Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Primaria y Comunitaria de Vigo
  • Félix Alonso García Centro de Salud de Bembrive, Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Primaria y Comunitaria de Vigo

Palabras clave:

Virus papiloma humano, VPH, Vacunación



Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) was introduced into the vaccination schedule in Galicia in 2008 by administering the bivalent vaccine Gardasil to girls born after 1994. In this study we aimed to prove the effectiveness of the vaccine and evaluate the sexual life habits in the development of premalignat and malignat cervical lesions.


Setting: Bembrive (Vigo, Spain)



We conducted a retrospective observational analytical cohort study



Women born in Bembrive (Vigo, Spain) between the years 1987-2000. We screened the results of cervix cytology and we correlated the results with a self-completed questionnaire that included: demographic data (age, nationality, level of studies) and data from their sexual life habits (age of first penetrative sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners through life, history of STD, vaccination status). Exclusion criteria: those those who had not had sexual intercourse, those who had undergone a total hysterectomy for reasons other than HPV-related pathology, those unable to complete the questionnaire or who did not have the capacity to consent.



97 women. Age (p 0,009) and the number of sexual partners throughout life (p 0,016) are risk factors for the development of cytological abnormalities. No significant differences were found in the influence contraceptive methods have in on the development of ASCUS / LSIL / HSIL. The correct vaccination (p 0,015) and its inclusion in the vaccination schedule program (p 0,005) prevents premalignant lesions in the cervix.



Age, having more than 5 sexual partners through life and unvaccination have a negative impact in the developing of lesions.



Cómo citar

Gesto Moreno C, Alonso García F. Efectividad de la vacunación contra el VPH en las mujeres de Bembrive, Vigo. Cad.Aten.Primaria [Internet]. 3 de junio de 2023 [citado 4 de marzo de 2025];29(2). Disponible en: https://journal.agamfec.com/index.php/cadernos/article/view/183



Unidade Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Familiar e Comunitaria de Vigo